We would love to hear from you
MIST SHOP: Onze-Lieve-Vrouw straat 100, 2800 Mechelen
Monday to Saturday 10u - 17.30u
Sundays (December) 13u - 17.30u
email: info@mistteas.com
mobile: +32474935612
MIST stands for superior quality tea.
This is something that we would like to share with you. Next to our passion, we love to tell our story. We do tastings and we like to be there at your event.
Let us know what you have in mind.
Tea tastings
Discover our range of teas. We go through every aspect of the teas, the tasting pallet, description and origin. depending on the climate, terroir and altitude.
At your office
We come over during internal meetings, lunchbreaks or we break the ice before you sign that huge contract with a new client.EventsWe put up a discreet tea station. We display all the teas and information needed to make clear that we are passionate people, who believe in their product.