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Our Mission
A tea journey to Taiwan in 2016, out of sheer passion and love for tea lies at the heart of the creation of MIST.MIST stands for superior quality and direct trade tea. In close cooperation with local independent tea producers, we select the best tea based on region and depending upon the season. It is within the philosophy of MIST to keep the direct trade way of working in mind. We visit the teagardens to get to know the family behind it. They guide us through their fields, while we learn more about each tea and its specifications. Our goal is to share our passion by guaranteeing exclusive, fresh and pure teas and infusions. Each one comes with a particular story and all are exceptional in taste.
Taiwanese tea culture
Taiwan’s history of tea cultivation began some two hundred years ago when people from the Chinese mainland settled there and brought with them their skills and traditions to produce tea. During those years, both tea cultivation and the island were not merely under the influence of the Chinese but also of the Japanese. These influences of tradition and subsequent modernisation made Taiwan the strong tea producing country it is today. It’s characterised by family run tea farms, where the tea farmer oversees the whole process and passes his or her skills on to the next generation.The beautiful island is surrounded with hills and the purest of waters, and offers the perfect soil together with a subtropical climate to grow tea in the best conditions. Often surrounded by mist, the landscapes have a fantastic feel and tea plantations can be spotted everywhere.